Icefin Field Science Technician
During the 2018 Antarctic season, I was a field science technician with the Icefin group. I assisted with deploying the vehicle as well as other auxiliary scientific instruments on the McMurdo Sound sea ice.
Through a Bachelor’s degree in Geology, I completed geological field work, spent a summer prospecting for gold in Northern Ontario, and completed two research projects in seismology. During a Master’s degree in Geophysics I designed and completed a project analysing static stress transfer from the 2012 Mw 7.8 Haida Gwaii earthquake, as well as probing the source mechanics of that same event. By working with scientists at Natural Resources Canada’s Pacific Geoscience Centre, I learned about earthquake picking, locating, and big data management. Between those degrees I interned at the Earthquake Engineering Research Facility, performing seismic field work and database management as part of a program to characterize seismic site response in Southwest British Columbia. I’ve also done field work in Northern Ontario, BC, Alaska, and Costa Rica.
My PhD work has augmented my tool kit to include satellite remote sensing techniques: InSAR and GNSS processing. Using combined seismic and geodetic data sets, my work focuses on postseismic deformation of the Nicoya Peninsula following the 2012 Mw 7.6 earthquake. The clear goal of this work, in addition to creating a rich dataset for archival purposes, is to elucidate the complex pattern of surface deformation resulting from the interplay of postseismic slip, aftershocks, slip transients, and ongoing convergence of the Cocos and Caribbean plates. Concurrently, I am completing an MS in Geotechnical Engineering, with related research into multivariate probabilistic hazard in California.