Pingo Star patch

Pingo Starr

Pingo SubTerranean Aquifer Reconnaissance and Reconstruction

Ice-cored pingos emerge from permafrost and dot the arctic landscape near Tuktoyaktuk. Photo Credit:

Ice-cored pingos emerge from permafrost and dot the arctic landscape near Tuktoyaktuk. (Photo Credit)

Learn More

Focus on Pingos

Mars, Ceres, and the Earth have abundant reserves of ground ice. On Earth, ice-cored mounds known as pingos are important indicators of extant and extinct near-surface groundwater systems, hydrogeologic properties, and local climate.

Right: A look at Ibyuk Pingo in Canada as seen from directly above (image credit – Google Earth).

Plan view look at Ibyuk Pingo in Canada (image credit - Google Earth).
Mackenzie Delta, Pingo, Tuktoyaktuk. Detail of pingo in the Mackenzie Delta with massive injection ice. Photo: Lorenz King, JLU, August 8, 1987

In the Solar System

Spacecraft observations of Mars and Ceres have revealed a variety of deca- to kilometer scale hills with morphological similarities to terrestrial pingos in ice-rich environments. Domes observed on Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto also resemble these ice-cored structures.

Left: Cross section of a pingo in the Mackenzie Delta with massive injection ice. (image credit – Lorenz King, JLU

Pingo STARR Goals

Pingo STARR will advance human and lander scale geophysical techniques specifically tailored to detect, characterize, and investigate the cryohydrology and genesis of possible pingo-like features on Earth, Mars, and Ceres. This systems-level field campaign will be the most comprehensive to date for any terrestrial pingos, and the first dedicated analysis of pingos from a planetary science perspective. Our science and technology objectives will provide valuable insight into detecting and characterizing ground -ice and -water systems on Mars and Ceres.

Right: A possible pingo candidate on Ceres in perspective.

A possible pingo candidate on Ceres in perspective.

A closer look at Pingos

On Earth, Mars, and Ceres

a) Oblique view of the ~50 m tall Ibyuk Pingo, Tuktoyaktuk, Northwest Territories, Canada (image credit - CBC). (b) Plan view look at Ibyuk Pingo (image credit - Google Earth). (c) Pingo candidate on Mars (image credit NASA/JPL/UA/MRO/HiRISE). (d) Two pingo candidates on Ceres (image citation NASA/JPL/Dawn)

a) Oblique view of the ~50 m tall Ibyuk Pingo, Tuktoyaktuk, Northwest Territories, Canada (image credit – CBC). (b) A look at Ibyuk Pingo in Canada as seen from directly above (image credit – Google Earth). (c) Pingo candidate on Mars (image credit NASA/JPL/UA/MRO/HiRISE). (d) Two pingo candidates on Ceres (image citation NASA/JPL/Dawn)

Surveying Pingos

In Alaska and Canada

Sketches of our geophysical systems. (a) shows the electrical potential created by the capactively-coupled resistivity transmitter. (b) shows transmitted and reflected radar waves. (c) ground currents from a transient electromagnetic transmitter measured by the receiver loop.

The PingoSTARR team will survey with conductivity (a/b), radar (c/d), and magnetotellurics (e/f) to map ice & water below pingos in Alaska and Canada. (a/b) shows the electrical potential created by the capactively-coupled resistivity transmitter. (c/d) shows transmitted and reflected radar waves. (e/f) ground currents from a transient electromagnetic transmitter measured by the receiver loop.

Primary Investigators

Britney Schmidt

Britney Schmidt

Georgia Institute of Technology

Kynan Hughston​

Kynan Hughson

Georgia Institute of Technology

Matthew Siegfried​

Matthew Siegfried

Colorado School
of Mines

Andrei Swidinsky​

Andrei Swidinsky

Colorado School
of Mines

John Bradford​

John Bradford

Colorado School
of Mines

Hanna Sizemore​

Hanna Sizemore

Planetary Science Institute


Pingo STARR is a four-year (2020-2024) field campaign funded through NASA’s Planetary Science and Technology through Analog Research (PSTAR) program.