Daniel Lein

Lead Electrical Engineer


Daniel is the lead electrical engineer for ROV Icefin. He develops power systems; control and communications electronics; and interface electronics for the vehicle’s scientific sensors, navigational instruments, and thrusters. Daniel is part of Icefin’s field team, traveling to field sites for Icefin’s deployments to gather data under ice. His first Antarctic field season is the 2023-24 Summer season, where he, along with Drs. Britney Schmidt and Frances Bryson, will be deploying Icefin as a part of the Norwegian Polar Institute’s TONe-FIO (Troll Observing Network-Fimbulissen Ice-shelf Observatory) expedition.

Daniel’s background is in electrical engineering, computer engineering, and physics. He graduated Dartmouth College with an A.B. in Engineering Physics and a B.E. in Electrical Engineering, and he received an M.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Whiting School of Engineering at Johns Hopkins University. Before his work at the Planetary Habitability & Technology Lab, Daniel worked as a spacecraft electronics engineer at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab, designing flight hardware and ground support electronics for several NASA missions, including Europa Clipper, Dragonfly, and DART (Double Asteroid Redirection Test).